This type of photography lets the potential customer see everything! Into every corner of every room! Colleagues in the industry who have a virtual tour on their website say that it is a great attraction which persuades potential guests to pick up the phone and make a booking.
What are virtual tours?
The technology was invented in 1994 by a Brit called Colin Johnson. He made a ‘walk-through’ of a 3D reconstruction of Dudley Castle as it was in 1550. At this time the internet was very much in its infancy. Now the technology is vastly improved and affordable and increasingly virtual tours are appearing on websites of colleagues who run B&Bs, guest houses and hotels.
After taking the photos the photographer will manipulate them with appropriate computer software into a moving image which can be played on your website, using JPG for Java-based viewers or QTVR for QuickTime.
You may want to create an additional page on your website dedicated to the virtual tour and change the navigation structure of your site with additional buttons/links. This work is included within the price. You'll need to give us username, password and access URL to do this work.
Alternatively you can give the photographer's files to your own webmaster to carry out the website work.
Maybe you're a website DIY enthusiast? The photographer will give you some instructions.
There's more! The photographer will now go outside to erect his mast and take still or virtual tour images of your house and surroundings.
Please read about high mast (aerial) photography.